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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On Writing and Self Publishing

I can't believe it. Secret Apocalypse and Dead Forest are selling! Not huge numbers, mind you (certainly nothing like Amanda Hocking or Joe Konrath or HP Mallory) But it's still awesome to think that there are other people out there reading my books and hopefully enjoying them. (They could be hating them but I have to think positively or else I'll go insane.)

It's great motivation to hurry up and finalize the sequels. I love working to a deadline (even if it's a self imposed deadline). And believe me I need a deadline. I need the adrenalin rush it provides. I've always been a slow writer. I remember when I first started to get serious about writing. I would struggle to finish anything. Meanwhile my friend (who was the guy who first encouraged me to write) he would finish 2 books and be writing a third before I could even finish 1! I'm extremely jealous of people like this.

So one of my writing goals is to increase my productivity. I think I'm getting faster. For The Secret Apocalypse I used a combination of the Snow Flake Method and something I call 'fast drafting' (I think someone else coined that term but I can't remember where I read it).

So basically I get the main idea/concept for the story. And then I get a rough outline for the plot/narrative arc. I'll jump from different plot points and expand on them. If I get stuck on the intro but I've got a killer idea for something that happens towards the end then I'll jump to that scene and write in some dialouge or action or whatever. I usually have a few different word documents open at the one time. One will be called 'intro' and another will be called 'conclusion'. I'll name other documents based on what's happening in the scene. And before I know it i've got a pretty good skeleton of a novel.

I'm hoping to refine this method so I can write mo books mo quickly.

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